Christina leads New Graduate Seminar

Christina Jimenez, who specializes in Mexican and Latin American history, is leading a new graduate seminar sequence starting this fall on The City and Citizenship in the modern world. The course will feature many members of the department visiting to lead discussions on their country or field of expertise. The course is part of a series of experiments in updating the graduate M.A. curriculum to best meet the needs of ours students.

I’ll be joining the class on the evening of October 18, to lead a discussion of the work White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism, a book by Princeton University professor Kevin Kruse which explores the relationship of the rise of conservatism as a social movement in the 1960s and 1970s and the resistance to the civil rights movement.

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1 Response to Christina leads New Graduate Seminar

  1. Christina Jimenez says:

    Thanks, Paul! Yes, we are looking forward to having you in to discussion White Flight…and, hopefully, the week before you will join us to discuss one of my favorite books: Cohen’s Making a New Deal.

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